Google Authenticator as another Solution to verify 2-SV Account [English Version]

I just want to add an information about Google 2-step verification. If you guys doesn't want to use SMS for getting verification code, you can use Google Authenticator to generate automatically every verification code when you want to login your account. You guys can download Google Authenticator on Google Play or Google Authenticator on App Store as well. 

But it needs several things to do for switching verification code from SMS to Google Authenticator. 
1. For those who already activate the 2-Step Verification, in My Account -> Signing to Google ->2-Step Verification you will see part of verification code as shown below.
Inline image 1
2. Then click Switch to app, you will see:
Inline image 2
3. After downloading Google Authenticator in your device (especially for android as my experience you need to download zxing barcode scanner to read the barcode on your phone if your phone doesn't recognize barcode). Then you can choose one of phone type, click Continue.
4. You can open your Google Authenticator App, then follow instruction after click button Continue step above. You can see the example instruction in picture below.
Inline image 4
5. After scanning barcode code from your Google Authenticator, you will see the verification code in your device and enter it to code field as shown above, click verify and save.
6. Then you will see your verification codes will switch to Google Authenticator app.
Inline image 5

Hope this post helps you guys who doesn't want to wait for SMS coming to your phone every time you login to your account.


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